Give me the Goods

I wanted to become more knowledgeable in politics so that my vote can be a well informed decision, but I don’t have time to watch the rambling of a senator/representative that is trying to pull at my heartstrings and manipulate me to feel/think a specific way.

I don’t want radicalized panic and doomsday prophecies

I just want to know what is going on and what will be done about it.

I started watching senate hearings and was shocked on how much time is wasted setting up a story or simply using question time for their own soapbox, as if they’re campaigning for the presidency.

I want to make my own informed decision without external influences and opinions

To watch it all is horrendously time consuming, which is why I started utilizing AI to edit senate hearings to give me just the goods and cut out all that fluff.

This is just the beginning, as I want to start building other character profiles and promise trackers, but I can’t afford to make this my full time job.

Help spread info straight from the source

If you are interested or know existing projects/sites that do the same, contact me at